About Write On!
The following link will take you to a Power Point with instructions how to use the Book Creator site. Use the space bar to navigate from page to page of the Power Point.
Write On! Teaching Materials were created by Heather Glass, a certified teacher and award-winning author. She created these materials to operate after school writing clubs where 4th – 6th grade children learn creative writing techniques and develop skills that lead them into a step-by-step book writing, revising and illustrating process. These materials have been tested and fine-tuned based on the operation of over 100 different writing clubs with over 4200 children who have successfully created books of their own.
Teachers and principals started approaching Heather to integrate her methods and materials into the classroom. Their interest came from writing club members' noticeable improvements in classroom writing and Direct Writing Assessment test scores. Classroom teachers love the processes and have made repeated comments that the methods are practical, common sense, easy-to-use, and are effective with concrete results.
Along with the teaching methods, Heather created user-friendly publishing materials to turn student's stories into 2 x 3 and 4 x 5 inch hardbound books.